Administrative division

225 settlements

Geographical location

The district is situated in the north-east of the Vologda Region.

Border regions: the Arkhangelsk Region, the districts of Tarnoga, Tot’ma, Syamzha and Vozhega within the Vologda Oblast


Distance from Vologda: 226 km

Railway station: 43 km, Velsk (Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Transportation routes: Moscow-Arkhangelsk highway


There are 163 companies of different organizational forms on the territory of the district. In the branch structure, agriculture, construction, hunting and timber industry take a dominating position.

Attractions and tourism

In 1986 with the help of Illarion Dudirov there was founded a dendropark of the District of Verkhovazh'ye. The dendropark has a unique collection of over 2000 different species of plants, trees and bushes.


The area was inhabited by the Finno-Ugric peoples that were involved in hunting and fishing. These peoples were not farming oriented.

The District of Verkhovazh'ye was founded in 1929.

Administrative centre: settlement of Verkhovazh'ye
Administration: ul. Oktyabrskaya 8, 162300 Verkhovazh'ye, Vologda Oblast, Russia
Head of the district: Alexander Dubov. Tel: (81759) 21638 E-mail:
Сhairperson of the representative assembly: Nadezhda Bugaeva.
Population: 13133
Square: 4255,5 km2