Administrative division
92 settlements
Geographical location
District of Chagoda is located in the most western corner of the Vologda Oblast at the confluence of two rivers - the Chagodoshcha and Kabozha, which are affluents of the Mologa River. The district shares borders with the Leningrad Oblast in the north - west, the Novgorod Region in the south - west, district of Babaevo to the north - east and Ustyuzhna to the east.
Inland waters: numerous rivers, more than 20 lakes
Flora and fauna: many species of fish - pike, perch, bream; species of birds - wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, willow grouse, wild duck; mammals - bear, wolf, fox, elk, wild boar, marten, lynx, polecat and others. The plant life map looks quite mixed. Woods occupy 63,9 % of the district's territory.
Natural resources: limestone, brick earth, carbonate rock, peat and rubble
The geographical situation of the westernmost district is very advantageous due to the intersection of highways and railroads and its proximity to Novgorod (380 km) and Vologda (326 km). It is located in between two Russia's major consumption markets - Moscow (600 km) and St.Petersburg (340 km).
The climate of the district of Chagoda is continental as in the whole western part of the Vologda Oblast. The summer, although short, is quite warm.
The majority of the district is lowland. It is a vast wooded area with some 63,9 percent of its total land area covered by forests, both coniferous and deciduous. About 17,4 percent of inland territory are taken by marshes.
The flora in this part of the Vologda Oblast strikes by its diversity. The district abounds with a large amount of rare plants. All in all that makes up 15-20 more species than in the neighbouring districts.
Another point of interest geologically and botanically is a geological monument named Glinnoye - anomalous meandering of the Chagodoshcha river-bed.
The rivers flowing on the territory of the district are branches of the Mologa River and belong to the river-basin of the Volga.
The best known geographic resource of the district of Chagoda is its number of lakes. Chagoda has over 20 lakes, the biggest of them are Chyornoye Lake, Siglinskoye Lake, Uglichnoye Lake and the Konevo.
Forests and groves have an abundance of mushrooms and berries - cloudberries, bilberries, red bilberries, raspberries and strawberries.
There are many species of birds there. The magnetism of this unique area for birdlife rests on its remoteness and abundant food resources. Among hunting species are wood grouses, hazel grouses, black grouses, ptarmigans and ducks.
There are many species of fish in the rivers and lakes - pike, perch, roach, bream, ide and others.
Forests contain an abundance of wilderness and wildlife. Elks, wild boars, brown bears, lynxes, red foxes, martens, squirrels and hares can be found there.
Distance from Vologda: 326 km
Transportation routes: highway Vologda-Novaya Ladoga, railway stations in Chagoda and Sazonovo
Glass industry is the largest sector of the district's economy.
Over the past years the glass-works of the district produced a wide variety of glass articles ranging from windowpane to insulators to bottles to pharmaceutical flanks and tanks.
At present the glass industry is on the rise. Three glass-works are working on the territory of the district. They produce container glass of broad spectrum - bottles for beer, wine, cognac, champagne, oil and mineral water supplying brewing and wine companies of Russia.
One of the recognized treasures of the district are forests. The forests are the combination of leafy groves, mixed woods and coniferous forests. Timber industry is also highly-developed in the district.
Attractions and tourism
The only museum in the District of Chagoda, Chagoda District Museum, is located in Chagoda. It opened on 1994 and displays collections of local interest, including expositions on glass production.
Although the history of Chagoda begins in 1926 the district is rich in antiquities. Under the Decree of the Oblast Administration no.409 of 18 July 1994 the settlements with archaeological monuments were entered in the list of historic settlements of the Vologda Oblast. Since the 19th century the district of Chagoda has attracted the ever-increasing number of archaeologists.
First archaeological digs were carried out by a Finnish archaeologist in 1874 -1875 near the village of White Crosses. His archaeological finds - silver adornments - are preserved in the Helsinki National Museum now.
Archaeological find of 2000 Settlement on the area that comprises modern day district of Chagoda dates from the mesolithic epoch. Numerous sites with stone implements testify to this fact. Settlements of the mesolithic epoch are of special interest as they are known to be the monuments of first developing of the Russian North. The territory of the district of Chagoda was settled by Finno-Ugric population and later by Slavs.
The district has its own patron saints. Efrosin of Sinozero whom believers considered capable of performing wonders went down in history of the region. The inhabitants of the district still commemorate the martyr who perished in 1612 during the Polish-Lithuanian invasion.
Consecration of a crossIn 1912 the Sinozero festival solemnizing the 300th anniversary of the martyr's demise attracted over 35000 pilgrims. Of particular historical significance is the fact that the hermitage of the Trinity and Annunciation founded by Efrosin still draws believers and research workers from throughout the country.
In the 20th century the population of the district was involved in shipbuilding, felling and hewing, and commercial fishery.
The Tikhvin water way that belongs to the Mariinsky water system connecting the Volga River and the Baltic Sea was a good source of income for the local peasants. They worked mainly as barge haulers.
This navy route was of great importance for the merchants too. Such goods as leather, flour, bread, iron, yuft and canvases were transported to the Novgorod, Tver, and Yaroslavl gubernias along it.
Quartz, chalk and limestone deposits on the territory of the Chagoda District gave boost to glass manufacturing. Early in the 20th century three glass-works located in the district were the major employers and the largest sector of the district's economy.