Array ( [0] => Array ( [TEXT] => Biography [LINK] => /en/governor/biography/ [SELECTED] => [PERMISSION] => R [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array ( ) [ITEM_TYPE] => D [ITEM_INDEX] => 0 [PARAMS] => Array ( ) [CHAIN] => Array ( [0] => Biography ) [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [IS_PARENT] => ) [1] => Array ( [TEXT] => Governor’s Powers [LINK] => /en/governor/governors_powers/ [SELECTED] => 1 [PERMISSION] => R [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array ( ) [ITEM_TYPE] => D [ITEM_INDEX] => 1 [PARAMS] => Array ( ) [CHAIN] => Array ( [0] => Governor’s Powers ) [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [IS_PARENT] => ) [2] => Array ( [TEXT] => Direct Speech [LINK] => /en/governor/direct_speech/ [SELECTED] => [PERMISSION] => R [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array ( ) [ITEM_TYPE] => D [ITEM_INDEX] => 2 [PARAMS] => Array ( ) [CHAIN] => Array ( [0] => Direct Speech ) [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [IS_PARENT] => ) [3] => Array ( [TEXT] => News in Pictures [LINK] => /en/photogallery/884/ [SELECTED] => [PERMISSION] => R [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array ( ) [ITEM_TYPE] => D [ITEM_INDEX] => 3 [PARAMS] => Array ( ) [CHAIN] => Array ( [0] => News in Pictures ) [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [IS_PARENT] => ) [4] => Array ( [TEXT] => Top News [LINK] => /en/governor/top_news/ [SELECTED] => [PERMISSION] => R [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array ( ) [ITEM_TYPE] => D [ITEM_INDEX] => 4 [PARAMS] => Array ( ) [CHAIN] => Array ( [0] => Top News ) [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 [IS_PARENT] => ) ) 1

Governor’s Powers

Governor of the Vologda Oblast is a chief executive.

The Governor of the Vologda Oblast is elected for a term of five years. The Governor is elected by Russian citizens eligible to cast a vote on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

The Governor of the Vologda Oblast protects the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the Vologda Oblast, observes the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation and laws and the Statutes of the Vologda Oblast.

Governor of the Vologda Oblast shall:

  1. represent the Vologda Oblast personally in relations with the RF President, federal bodies and authorities, state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the bodies of the local self-government and in international and foreign economic relations;
  2. sign the oblast's laws and reject the laws;
  3. present the bills on the budget of the Vologda Oblast and its execution for the consideration and approval of the Legislative Assembly of the Vologda Oblast, present the draft consolidated budget of the Vologda Oblast for the consideration of the Legislative Assembly;
  4. annually present programs for the social and economic development of the oblast and a report on the Governor's activities; 
  5. monthly present a report on execution of the oblast's budget for approval of the Legislative Assembly of the Vologda Oblast;
  6. form the Cabinet, heads the Cabinet and chair its sessions, accept the resignation of the cabinet;
  7. confer the state awards of the Vologda Oblast;
  8. establish and present the Prizes of the Vologda Oblast;
  9. have the right to demand the convocation of an emergency meeting of the Legislative Council of the Vologda Oblast, and to convoke the re-elected Legislative Council of the Vologda Oblast for its first sitting within the established period;
  10. have the right to participate in the work of the Legislative Council of the Vologda Oblast;
  11. ensure the coordination of the activity of the bodies of executive power of the Vologda Oblast with other bodies of state power of the Vologda Oblast and in accord with the legislation of the Russian Federation organize the interaction of the bodies of executive power of the Vologda Oblast with federal bodies of executive power and their territorial bodies, bodies of self-government and public association;
  12. constitute the executive system in the territory of the Vologda Oblast according to the law;
  13. determine the structure of executive bodies of the state power of the Vologda Oblast;
  14. trigger emergency powers during natural disasters and other situations requiring immediate attention;
  15. appoint half of the members of the Election Committee of the Vologda Oblast;
  16. sign letters of inquiry and petitions to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
  17. implement other powers assigned to him by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, statutory acts of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws of the Vologda Oblast and the Statute of the Vologda Oblast.